The microprocessor is the abbreviation of the processor is often called the CPU (central processing unit). This component is a chip. Chip (chip or IC / Integrated Circuit) is a piece of silicon measuring a few square millimeters containing tens of thousands of transistors and other electronic components.
The processor is also one of the most important component in the computer system. Processors are often referred to as the brain of the computer, although this designation is not entirely correct. The processor only acts as a processing machine but does not serve as a reminder. Reminder function is handled by another component called a memory. and what about its history, it certainly has no history and why it appears there as well as microprocessors used in computers.
History of Microprocessors
First microprocessor was invented Intel 4004, introduced in 1971. The processor is very simple, it can only operate for 4 bits per time. Application processor is to develop a portable electronic calculator.
The first microprocessor to be used for housing purposes is the Intel 8080 which was first introduced in 1974. Is an 8 bit processor. First used on the Altair kit. MITS made a kit that was introduced in 1975 is considered the forerunner of the first personal computer. But the so-called PC as it is now was first introduced by IBM in 1982, called the IBM PC. The computer uses an Intel 8088 which had actually been introduced in 1979.
Microprocessors used in PCs from time to time also changes. Chronologically, the processors are used to in 2002 was 8088, 80286, 80386, 80 486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium III and Pentium IV. As a comparison, pentium 4 processor has a speed 5000 times faster than the processor 808.
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